Copythorne (New Forest) Steam Rally

The Copythorne (New Forest) steam rally day, is held on the Sunday of the Carnival weekend, it covers so much more than just steam engines, there are tractors, commercial vehicles stationary engines, classic cars, and bikes. We have a loyal following of craft stalls and a growing attendance of old tools and other vintage jumble. Vintage buses have long served the event to provide the free forest tours along with the park and ride access to the event.  

The beer tent is always popular and we are lucky to be supported by the Flack Manor Brewery whose ales a big hit. If you are hungry there is a BBQ on the go selling burgers and hot dogs.

Our local band The Rocking Fossils perform live 60s music during the day. 

As well as static displays  there are also live demonstrations of steam engines at work. Here a steam engine is powering a saw bench which is processing a tree trunk. 

Steam engine running a wood saw on rally day

Steam Threshing is a long standing feature of the event to include chaff cutting powers by steam portable.  

A thatcher has been known to make an attendance.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Recent times have seen the locally built, replica Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  Complete with a replica Caractcus Potts.